Frequently Asked Questions

School Info

Where are you located?

We're in Swakopmund CBD, just down the road from KFC - the face-brick house at the last 4-way stop before the bridge to Walvis Bay.

Check our Contact page for a map location.

What are your opening hours?

Someone is available in the office from 9:00-16:00, Monday to Friday.

Do I need an appointment?

Please complete steps 1 and 2 of our admissions process first, then book a tour.

You can see the details on our Admissions page. We may not be able to help you without an appointment.

Are you open during the holidays?

No, we are closed.

How much are the fees?

There is a once-off registration fee per family. Primary students pay an annual admin fee. Siblings get 10% off.

Kindly request the full fee structure on our Tuition & Fees page.

How do I apply?

Go to our Admissions page to read up on the process.

When does enrolment open?

Our enrolment is year-round. If we're full, we recommend submitting an application so we can place you on the waiting list.

How do you decide which children to admit?

We do not discriminate on any grounds, so we work on a first-come, first-serve basis.

We may refuse admission if we are not equipped to provide the required support. We do give preference to siblings, existing students and children from other Montessori schools.

Pre-primary class placement is based on age and access needs.

What curriculum do you use?

We use the Montessori curriculum and are aligning it with the Namibian syllabus as well as the Baden-Württemberg and Cambridge curricula.

Which grades do you offer?

We have two pre-primary classrooms (ages 3-6) and offer primary classes from grades 1-7.

What subjects do you offer?

Pre-Primary: Practical Life, Sensorial, Maths, English, Cultural and German (for details please see the page "What is Montessori").

Junior Primary: Maths, English, German, Environmental Studies, Arts

Senior Primary: Maths, English, German, Natural Science & Health Ed, Social Studies, Life Skills, Info & Communication, Design & Technology

Do you offer any sports?

We do not have sports grounds but are partnered with Bubbles swimming, SFC soccer (Gr. 1+ only) and FunGym (<6 years only).

These extracurriculars are provided by third parties and paid separately by families.

What school can my child attend next?

After having gone through the full program, our students are ready for life and theoretically able to attend any school of your choosing after being with us.
However, placement at future schools depends on that school's entry requirements and admissions policy, which is out of our control.
To make transitions as easy as possible, we work closely with families of children in their last year to specifically prepare them for their new school.

To get the full benefit of our program, students must complete at least three years.


What is Montessori?

The Montessori Method is an alternative form of education that focuses on developing a healthy personality through interaction with the environment.

It was developed in the early 1900s by Italian physician Dr. Maria Montessori. To read more, go to our "What is Montessori?" page.

What's the difference between Montessori and mainstream schools?

Mixed-age classes: Each class consists of a 3-year mixed group (3-6, 6-9, 9-12 years) so the students can learn from and help each other.

Uninterrupted work time: Mornings are relatively unstructured, allowing students to engage with a new lesson or practise their work for as long as they need to.

Adaptive curriculum: Each student progresses through the same sequence of work but at their own pace. If more practice is needed, exercises are added. If a concept is mastered, it doesn't need to be practised again.

Freedom & responsibility: Students can choose the order of their work, their seats and other things that empower them to learn better. They are also responsible for respecting their peers, looking after their equipment and doing simple maintenance in the classroom.

Soft skills foundation: Emotional resilience, independence and a love of learning are necessary for long-term academic progress. That's why our unique learning materials build concentration, coordination, independence, confidence and a sense of order. We also actively teach social skills and problem-solving.

Does Montessori work for neurodivergent children?

Yes, although not all schools are equipped to handle all access needs.

Because the Montessori Method is built on scientific observation and adapting the learning environment to help each child succeed, a "normal" class can easily cater to a wide range of needs and abilities.

What happens to children after attending a Montessori school?

Most students have no problems going on to the school of their choice. Many entrepreneurs and famous people went to Montessori schools.

Have specific questions?

Fill out the form and we'll get back to you. ➜

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